Bouquet of Belle Scavoir


It is she alone that matters.
She made it. It is easy to say
The figures of speech, as why she chose
This dark, particular rose.


Everything in it is herself.
Yet the freshness of the leaves,the burn
Of the colors, are tinsel changes,
Out of the changes of both light and dew


How often had he walked
Beneath summer and the sky
To receive her shadow into his mind...
Miserable that it was not she.


The sky is too blue, the earth too wide.
The thought of her takes her away.
The form of her in something else
Is not enough.


The reflection of her here, and then there,
Is another shadow, another evasion,
Another denial.
If she is everywhere,
She is nowhere, to him.


But this she has made. If it is
Another image, it is one she has made.

It is she that he wants, to look at directly,
Someone before him to see and to know.