A Lot of People Bathing in a Stream

It was like passing a boundary to dive
Into the
sun-filled water, brightly leafed
And limbed and lighted out from bank to bank

That's how the stars shine during the day. There,

The yellow that was yesterday, refreshed,
Became to-day,
among our children and

Ourselves, in the clearest green--well, call it green.
We bathed in yellow green and yellow blue
And in these comic colors dangled down,

Like their particular characters,
To blotches, angular anonymids
Gulping for shape among the reeds
. No doubt,

We were the appropriate conceptions, less
Than creatures, of the sky between the banks,
The water flowing in the flow of space.

It was passing a boundary,
floating without a head
And naked, or almost so, into the grotesque
Of being naked, or almost so, in a world

Of nakedness, in the company of the sun,
Good-fortuner of the grotesque,
A funny foreigner of meek address.

How good it was at home again at night
To prepare for bed, in the frame of the house, and
Round the rooms, which do not ever seem to