At the townfs end met him the burghers and dunstical
incorporationers of Wittenberg in their distinguished liveries,
their distinguished livery faces, I mean, for they were most
of them hot-livered drunkards, and had all the coat colours
of sanguine, purple, crimson, copper, carnation that were to
be had in their countenances. Filthy knaves, no cost had
they bestowed on the town for his welcome, saving new
painted their hofs and bousing-houses, which commonly are
fairer than their churches, and over their gates set the town
arms carousing a whole health to the Dukefs arms, which
sounded gulping after this sort, Vanhotten, slotten, irk bloshen
glotten gelderslike: whatever the words were, the sense was this:
Good drink is a medicine for all diseases.