( VERB ) + a certain way



People are used to doing things a certain way, shopping from established local businesses,
using the same service providers year after year. It's difficult for a new business to get the
attention of customers.

(click here for original context)


Are you the kind of person who needs to have things a certain way?

(click here for original context)

(see #40)


Students feel pressured to dress, act, and do things a certain way. They feel that if they do
not submit to peer pressure they will be viewed as an outsider and will not have any friends.

(click here for original context)


We all have our opinions and like things a certain way.

(click here for original context)


I think a lot of people have a fear of change. They did things a certain way, learned things a
certain way, so that "seems" like the best way.

(click here for original context)