

Tonight there are only the winter stars.
The sky is no longer a junk-shop,
Full of javelins and old fire-balls,
Triangles and the names of girls.


Over and over again you have said,
This great world, it divides itself in two,
One part is man, the other god:

Imagined man, the monkish mask, the face


Tonight the stars are like a crowd of faces
Moving round the sky and singing
And laughing, a crowd of men,

Whose singing is a mode of laughter,


Never angels, nothing of the dead,
Faces to people nightfs brilliancy
Laughing and singing and being happy,
Filling the imaginationfs need.


In this rigid room, an intenser love,
Not toys, not thing-a-ma-jigs-
The reason can give nothing at all
Like the response to desire.