mē me, myself
quid what (quid pro quo, quiddity)
níhil nothing (nil, nihilism, annihilate)
nōn not
saépe often
sí if
amāre to love, like; amabo te, idiom, please (lit., I Will love you) (amorous, amatory, Amanda)
cogitāre to think, ponder, consider, plan (cogitate, cogitation, cogitative)
dēbēre to owe; ought, must, should (debt, debit, due, duty)
dáre to give, offer (date, data, dative)
erráre to wander; err,go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken (erratic, errant, erroneous, error, aberration)
laudáre to praise (laud, laudable, laudatory)
monēre to remind, advise, warn (admonish, admonition, monitor, monument, monster,premonition)
salvēre to be well, be in good health (salvation, salver, salvage)
servāre to preserve, save, keep, guard (observe, preserve, reserve, reservoir)
conservāre a stronger form of servo, to preserve conserve, maintain (conservative, conservation, conservator)
terrēre to frighten, terrify (terrible, terrific, terrify, terror, terrorist, deter)
valēre to be strong, have power; be well; vale (goodbye, farewell), (valedictorian, valid, invalidate, prevail, prevalent)
vidēre to see; observe, understand (video, provide, evident, view, review, revise, revision, television)
vocáre to call, summon (vocation, advocate, vocabulary, convoke, evoke, revoke, invoke, provoke)
fáma rumor, report; fame, reputation (famous, defame, infamy)
fōrma form, shape; beauty (formal, format, formula, formless, deform, inform)
fortūna fortune, luck (fortunate, misfortune, unfortunate)
īra ire, anger (irate, irascible; but not irritate)
naúta sailor (nautical, nautilus, argonaut)
pátria fatherland, native land, (one's) country (patriotic, expatriate, repatriate)
pecúnia money (pecuniary, impecunious; cf. peculation)
philosóphia philosophy (Greek philosophia, love of wisdom)
poéna penalty, punishment; poends dare, idiom, to pay the penalty (penal, penalize, penalty, pain, subpoena)
poēta poet (poetry, poetic)
pórta gate, entrance (portal, portico, porch, porthole)
puélla girl
rósa rose (rosary, roseate, rosette)
senténtia feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence (sententious, sentencing)
vīta life, mode of life (vital, vitality, vitamin, revitalize)
antīqua ancient, old-time (antique)
mágna large, great (magnify, magnificent, magnate, magnitude, magnanimous)
méa my
múlta many
túa your
et and, even
sed but
síne without (sinecure, sans)
est is
festīnāre to hasten, make haste
lentē slowly
culpāre to blame, censure (culpable, culprit)
peccāre to sin (peccadillo, impeccable)
volāre to fly (volatile, volley)
cito quickly (citation, incite)
bis twice (bisect, bicycle)
labor labor (laboratory, elaborate)
venia favor, pardon (venial, veniality)
clēmentia clemency (clement, inclement)
dēportáre to carry away (deport, deportation)
recūsāre refuse, reject (recuse)
vītāre to avoid (inevitable)
turba crowd, multitude (turbulence, turbid, perturb)
iubēre to order
ars art (artifce, artistry)
sána sound, sane (sanitary, sanitorium)
immodica immoderate, excessive
creāre to create (create, creature)
īnsānia unsound, insane (insane)
nūlla no (nullify, annul)
avāritia avarice (avaricious)
saeva cruel
catēna chain
onerāre to load, oppress (onerous, exonerate)
rota wheel (rotary, rotate)
timēre to fear (timid, intimidate)
respondēre to respond, reply (respond, correspond)
rēgulae rules
scrīpta writings
regiōnēs regions
īnsulae blocks
obdūrāre to be firm, tough (durable, endure, obdurate)
praepositiōpreference, prefixing, (grammar) preposition
dēclīnāreto divert, to distract
adiectīva adjective
āger, āgri field, farm (agrarian, agriculture, agronomy)
agricola, agricolae farmer
amīcus, amīci, amīca, amīcaefriend (amicable, amiable, amity)
fēmina, fēminaewoman (female, feminine, femininity)
fília, fíliae daughter (filiation, affiliation, affiliate, filial)
fílius, fílii son
númerus, númeri number (numeral, innumerable, enumerate)
pópulus, pópulí the people, a people, a nation (populace, population, popularity, popularize, populous)
púer, púerī boy; pl. boys, children (puerile, puerility, puerperous)
sapiéntia, sapiéntiae wisdom (sapience, sapient, sage, savant)
vir, virī man, hero (virtue, virile, triumvirate; not virulent)
avárus, avára, avárum greedy, avaricious (avarice, avariciousness, avid)
paúci, paúcae, paúca (usually pl.) few, a few (paucity, pauciloquent, poco)
Rōm.ánus, Rōmána, Rōmánum, Rōmán (Romance, romance, romantic, romanticism, Romanesque, Romania)
dē (prep. + abl) down from, from; concerning, about; as a prefix de- with such mean-
ings as down, away, aside, out, off (demote, from de-moveii; decline, descend)
in prep. + abl., in, on; also as a prefix (induce, inscribe, invoke)
hódiē adv., today (hodiernal)
sémper adv., always (sempiternal)
hábeō, habére, hábuī, hábitum, to have, hold, possess; consider, regard (inhabit, and inhibit, "hold in"; exhibit, "hold forth"; habit, habitat)
sátiō, satiáre, satiávi, satiátum to satisfy, sate (satiate, insatiable, satiety, satisfaction)
básium, básiī, n., kiss (basiate)
béllum, béllī, n., war (bellicose, belligerent, rebel, rebellion, revel)
cōnsílium, cōnsíliī, n., plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgment, wisdom (counsel, counselor, consiliate, reconcile)
cura, curae, f., care, attention, caution, anxiety (cure, curator, curious, curiosity, curio, curettage, sinecure)
dōnum, dōnī, n., gift, present (donate, donation, condone; cf. do)
exítium, exítiī, n., destruction, ruin (exit)
magíster, magístrī, m., and magistra, magistrae, f., schoolmaster or schoolmistres teacher, master or mistress (magistrate, magistracy, magisterial,
maestro, mastery, mister, miss; cf. magnus)
móra, mórae, f., delay (moratorium, demur)
níhil, indeclinable, n., nothing (nihilist, annihilate) r.
óculus, óculī, eye (ocular, oculist, binoculars, monocle)
offícium, offíciī, it, duty, service (office, officer, official, officious) C. I
ōtium, ōtiī, n., leisure, peace (otiose, negotiate)
periculum, periculī, n., danger, risk (peril, perilous, imperil, parlous)
remedium, remediī, n., cure, remedy (remedial, irremediable, remediation)
béllus, bélla, béllum, pretty, handsome, charming (belle, beau, beauty, embellish, belladonna, belles-lettres). Do not confuse with bellum, war.
bónus, bóna, bónum, good, kind (bonus, bonanza, bonny, bounty, bona fide)
humanus, humana, humanum, pertaining to man, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated (humanity, humanitarian, humanism, the humanities, humanist,
inhuman, superhuman)
málus, mála, málum, bad, wicked, evil (malice, malicious, malign, malignant, malaria, malady, malefactor, malfeasance,
malevolent; male, a prefix as in
maladjustment, malnutrition, maltreat, malapropos)
párvus, párva, párvum, small, little (parvovirus, parvule, parvicellular)
stultus, stulta, stultum, foolish; stultus, stultī, m., a fool (stultify, stultification)
verus, vera, verum, true, real, proper (verify, verisimilitude, very, veracity)
iuvō, iuvare, iuvi, iutum, to help, aid, assist; please (adjutant, coadjutant, aid, aide-de-camp)
sum, ésse, fui, futurum, to be, exist (essence, essential, future, futurity)
irritare, to excite, exasperate (irritable, irritate)
adulēscéntia, adulēscéntiae, f., youth, young manhood; youthfulness (adolescence, adolescent)
ánimus, ánimi, m., soul, spirit, mind; animi, animtirum, high spirits, pride, courage
(animus, animosity, magnanimous, unanimous, pusillanimous)
caélum, caéli, n., sky, heaven (ceiling, celestial, Celeste, cerulean)
cúlpa, cúlpae, f., fault, blame (cf. culpo below; culpable, culprit, exculpate, inculpate)
glōria, glōriae, f., glory, fame (glorify, glorification, glorious, inglorious)
vérbum, vérbi, n., word (verb, adverb, verbal, verbiage, verbose, proverb)
tē, abl. and acc. sg., you; yourself; cf. me
liber, libera, liberum, free (liberal, liberality, libertine)
noster, nostra, nostrum, our, ours (nostrum, paternoster)
púlcher, púlchra, púlchrum, beautiful, handsome; fine (pulchritude, pulchritudinous)
sānus, sāna, sānum, sound, healthy, sane (sanity, sanitary, sanitation, sanitarium, insane)
ígitur, conj., postpositive, therefore, consequently
-ne, interrog. suffix attached to the first word of a sentence, typically
the verb or another word on which the question hinges, to introduce a question
whose answer is uncertain. (For other types of direct questions, see nOnne
and num in Capvt XL.)
propter, prep. + acc., on account of, because of (post hoc, ergo propter hoc,
"after this, therefore on account of this"a type of fallacious
argument in logic)
crās, adv., tomorrow (procrastinate, procrastination)
heri, adv., yesterday
quándō, interrog. and rel. adv. and conj., when; si quando, if ever
sátis, indecl. noun, adj., and adv., enough, sufficient (-1y) (cf. sail); (satisfy, satisfactory, satiate, insatiable, sate; assets, from ad, up to + satis)
tum, adv., then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place
cēnō, cēnare, cēnavi, cēnatum, to dine (cenacle)
cúlpō, cúlpare, cúlpavi, cúlpatum, to blame, censure (cf. culpa above)
máneō, mánere, mánsi, mánsum or remáneō, remánere, remánsi, remánsum, to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue (mansion, manor, permanent, remnant, immanentdo not confuse with "imminent")
súperō, súperare, súperavi, súperatum, to be above (cf. super, adv. and prep. +
invidia, -ae, dislike; (invidious, envious)
sustinēre, to hold uop, endure, sustain; (sustain sustenance)
angustus, -a, -um, narrow, limited; (anguish anxious)
cūrāre, to take care of; (cure, curative, curator)
supplicium, n., punishment; (suppliant, supplicate)
peritus, -a, -um, skillful; (experiment, expert)
asper, aspera, asperum, rough, harsh; (asperate, exasperate)
conviva, -ae, m., one of a few, dinner-guest; (convivial, convivian)
exercitus, army; (exercise)
sagitta, -ae, f., arrow; (Sagittarius, sagittate)
umbra, -ae, f., shade, shadow; ghost; (umbrage and umbrella, which, with its DIMINUTIVE suffix "-ella," lit. means "little shade/shadow.")
pugnāre, to fight; (pugilist, pugnacious.)
rex, king; (regal, regalia, regale)
exclāmāre, to shout; (exclaim, exclamation)
inquit, says
cum + abi., with.
apud + acc., among
inferi, -orum, m. pL, those below, the dead; (inferior, inferiority)
fortasse, adv., perhaps.)
déus, -i, god, and dea, deae, f., dat. and abl. pl. deabus, goddess (adieu, deify, deity)
discípulus, discípuli, m., and discipula, discipulae, learner, pupil, student (disciple, discipline, disciplinary)
īnsídiae, īnsídiarum, ambush, plot, treachery (insidious)
líber, líbri, m., book (library, librarian, libretto); not to be confused with liber, free
tyránnus, tyránni, m., absolute ruler, tyrant (tyrannical, tyrannous, tyrannicide)
vítium, vítiī, n., fault, crime, vice (vitiate, vicious, vituperate; but not "vice versa")
perpétuus, perpétua, perpétuum, perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous (perpetuate, perpetuity)
plēnus, plēna, plēnum, full, abundant, generous (plenary, plenteous, plentiful, plenitude, plenty, replenish, plenipotentiary)
sálvos, sálva, sálvum, safe, sound (salvage, salvation)
secundus, secunda, secundum, second; favorable (secondary)
véster, véstra, véstrum, your (pl., i.e., used in addressing more than one person, vs. tuns, -a,
-urn), yours
-que, ENCLITIC (essentially = "suffixed") conj., and; appended to the second of two words to be joined: fama gloriaque, fame and glory
ubi: (1) rel. adv. and conj., where, when; (2) interrog. adv. and conj., where? (ubiquitous, ubiquity)
íbi, adv., there (ib. or ibid.)
nunc, adv., now, at present (quidnunc)
quārē, adv., lit. because of which thing (qua re), but more commonly therefore,
wherefore, why
póssum, pósse, pótui, to be able, can, could, have power (posse, possible, potent, potentate, potential, omnipotent)
tólero, tólerāre, tóleravī, tóleratum, to bear, endure (tolerate, toleration, tolerable, intolerable, intolerance)
optāre, to wish; (optative, option, adopt)
gustāre, to taste; (gustatory, gusto, disgust)
leges, laws; (legal, legislature)
dicere, to say; (dictate, diction)
hoc this; "ad hoc acc. case.
tantum, adv., only
nec...nec, conj. neither...nor
delectare to delight; ("delectable," "delectation.")
varius, -a, -um, varied; ("variety," "various.")
infirmus, -a, -urn, not strong, weak; ("infirm" "infirmary.")