Record your story solo. Do not look at any notes. Do not worry about making mistakes
or having to pause. 宿題で考えたトピックに付いて話して下さい。1回目は何も書かないまま
Write 10 keywords for your solo story (●1.). After you write the keywords,
turn the paper over.
Record the same story a second time. Do not look at the keywords.
上のActivity #1の話を10個のキーワードを書いて下さい。書き終わったら、その紙を裏返してもう
The teacher will read a short story to you. Listen to the story and write
down any words
you can hear. Your teacher will read the same story a second time. Write
down any more
words you can hear. Make small groups of three. One group member please
place your
headphone on the table with the microphone facing up. You will record your
group talk.
Talk with your partners (日本語O.K.) Compare the keywords you and your partners
written. Use them to try to write the story that you heard.
Tell your story to your partner. Your partner responds using Active Listening
Listen while your partner tells her/his story. Use active listening.
Make a conversation script from partner A's story like this sample.
Make sure your include
1 Generalization
1 Personalization
1 Speculation
After your make the script, turn over the script. Record the conversation
Do not look at the script when you record.