bummed out



I came back home and I've been feeling bummed out ever since. I need some
serious cheering up.

(click here for original context)


I got kinda bummed out watching that movie about alzheimer's disease. It started to
get really depressing near the end, so I turned it off.

(click here for original context)


(Song lyrics) When I was broke and bummed out, you helped me. When I was losing my
mind you saved me. I'll do the same for you, brother, believe me.

(click here for original context)


(get bummed out/be bummed out/bum(you/me/her/..) out)

(Magazine ad:) Has white plastic got you bummed out? Exchange ugly white plastic consoles
for one of our bright, pink-colored accessories!

(click here for original context)



Sorry, I didn't mean to bum you out, but I though you should know about the manager's
plans to fire 30% of our company's workers.