burned out


1. Are you stressed, anxious, burned out, depressed or worried? Then we can help you!

(click here for original context)


If you are the sort of person who has burned out, i.e. highly motivated and hard driving,
then a complete change of direction may be appropriate.

(click here for original context)

[see near the bottom]


I've had a gift shop for three years and it just hasn't done as well as I expected.
I'm burned out. I can't find a buyer. Do I just walk away?

(click here for original context)


After six years in nursing, unsatisfied with the career choice I had made, I woke up to a
fear: The fear of becoming like the other no-risk nurses -- tired, burned out and old
before their time.

5. Lightbulbs are constantly getting burned out at my house.

(click here for original context)
